83' EntityArrangement='Line' InterEntitySpacing='6 0' RelativeBlockId='0' PositionX='-5.. Apart from block 0, all blocks are placed relative to another block (Block 0 is a ContainerAbsolute, all other blocks are ContainerRelative).. See also: www totalwarpersian ir Add file Report New Total War Attila Graphics Version 1.
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Total War: ATTILA Kit Helpful InfoAdditional guides and helpful information:Unit CreationFormationsFormations09 April 201509:07EditorEach formation has a variety of information defined for it.. 0' PositionY='0 0'></GroupFormationBlock>Each block is given a preference; this is used to help the Ai distribute its units amongst the blocks of a formation.. Blocks look like this:<GroupFormationBlock BlockId='1'> <ContainerRelative BlockPriority='0.. The empire claws at itself from within and power Seven Kingdoms is a total conversion mod for Attila: Total War based on and inspired by A Song of Ice and Fire / Game of Thrones.. Now there is a New Graphics Enhancement for attila total war made by total war persian team (by me, the admin of team). e828bfe731